
4M | Monthly Investing Newsletter

I tackle tough investing problems, breaking them down into clear and actionable steps.

Hi Reader, The share price might be the first thing you see. But, it's often the last thing you should consider. WHY SHARE PRICE ISN'T EVERYTHING? Picture this: you're in the reduced aisle of a supermarket and you've found a product on sale. Before buying, you'd consider factors like the quality, price and expiration date, right? Investing should be no different. A low share price might appear to be a bargain, but this isn't necessarily the case. For example, imagine two companies in the same...

Hi Reader, As a private investor, I've spent years exploring analysis metrics to find hidden gems. But, there's one widely used investment metric that can be deceiving.. WHAT IS THIS METRIC? Many investors use this ratio to get a quick idea of a stock's value. And I'm willing to bet that you not only know this ratio, but use it regularly: Price-to-Earnings Ratio (PE) = Current Share Price / Earnings per Share A low PE ratio can indicate a 'cheap' stock. But, it's not as simple as it seems....

Hi Reader, As you can imagine, I get a few interesting comments on my YouTube channel. But, there's one investing criticism that I get far more than any other: WHAT IS THIS HATE COMMENT? As you know, I openly share my investing portfolio on YouTube. My stock portfolio: here. You'll notice the similarities of my holdings, they each have: A quality business model. Consistent financial growth. Above average valuations. By investing in these companies for the long-term. I weigh up the stock...

Hi Reader, We've all heard the saying, "buy low, sell high". But what if there's a strategy that could give you an edge.. IS IT POSSIBLE TO TIME THE MARKET? Imagine buying stocks on sale, then watching them rise in value just a month later! That's the idea behind the January Effect: Buy stocks that underperform before year-end, because they tend to rebound in January. But, there's a catch: This academic research had the benefit of hindsight - They already knew which stocks would underperform...

Hi Reader, Did you know that in 2020, 82% of professional investors couldn't beat the overall market (the S&P 500) over 10 years? This statistic got me thinking: HOW DO I JOIN THE WINNING 18%? Forget about working hard - there's a smarter approach. A legendary investor has simplified this strategy: Don't be stupid! "It is remarkable how much long-term advantage people like us have gotten by trying to be consistently not stupid, instead of trying to be very intelligent." Charlie Munger By...